When Your Pet's Constipation Becomes An Emergency

Like humans, your dog and cat can suffer from bowel issues like constipation. Most of the time, the problem clears up on its own. Sometimes, making some lifestyle changes can help. However, a few pets can have a serious problem. Severe constipation could be an emergency and need an ER veterinarian's help. Here is more information about pet constipation and when it could be considered an emergency. What Is Constipation in Pets?

3 Things That Can Be Used As Cues To Decide When To Schedule A Pet Euthanasia Appointment

Do you have a pet? If so, the day may come when you have to decide whether or not to get your pet euthanized. The decision for euthanization is generally left up to pet owners. However, individuals may receive recommendations from veterinarians when the professional believes it would be in the pet's better interest. Family and friends might also make encouraging recommendations if they suspect that a pet is showing signs of illness or distress.

Learn The Signs Of Heat Exhaustion In Dogs

Hot weather not only raises health concerns in humans; it also creates risks for dogs. Similar to humans, dogs can also suffer from heat exhaustion. To ensure your furry family member stays cool and safe, you must be aware of some of the signs that often indicate this condition. Fever A dog with heat exhaustion may continue to feel warm even after it has been brought inside and had time to cool down, due to a fever.

Why You Should Take Your Dog To The Veterinarian For Grooming

Your dog needs the veterinarian for vaccinations and checkups, but you may not have thought about taking your dog to the veterinarian for grooming as well. Your veterinarian's office can also help with grooming tasks for your dog. Things such as having your dog's teeth cleaned, giving your dog a bath, and having your dog's nails clipped or your dog's ears and eyes cleaned are all things your veterinarian's office can do for your dog.

Caring For Your New Puppy

If you have recently adopted or purchased a puppy and are new to pet ownership, you are likely worried about the care involved. Puppies do require quite a bit of care, but the rewards you obtain are well worth the effort. Here are some important things to do during the first few days after you bring your puppy home. Contact A Veterinarian To Make An Appointment A puppy requires an initial visit with a veterinarian as soon as possible.