Learn The Signs Of Heat Exhaustion In Dogs

Hot weather not only raises health concerns in humans; it also creates risks for dogs. Similar to humans, dogs can also suffer from heat exhaustion. To ensure your furry family member stays cool and safe, you must be aware of some of the signs that often indicate this condition.


A dog with heat exhaustion may continue to feel warm even after it has been brought inside and had time to cool down, due to a fever. Fortunately, their body has several built-in mechanisms that aid in lowering the body's temperature, including panting and paw sweating. However, when the dog's temperature remains elevated for an extended time, it may mean that these functions are not performing efficiently, and medical intervention may be required. 

Urine Output

Heat and dehydration often go hand-in-hand, so it is not uncommon for a dog with heat exhaustion to also experience changes in its urine output. Specifically, dogs in this state have a significant decrease in the amount of urine they release because their body is lacking much of the water that aids in the waste filtration and release processes that make way for urine discharge. Give your pet plenty of water, but if this does not work, seek help.

Breathing Pattern

As a dog owner, you probably have a good grasp of your pet's behaviors, even when it comes to their breathing patterns. For example, you know that a long walk might not fatigue your dog, but a short walk up a hill will. Should you notice that if your dog is unusually out of breath, it may be an indication of heat exhaustion. Remember, dogs use panting as a way to moisturize the body's tissues and naturally cool the body. Take this exertion as a sign it is time to head inside. 

Diarrhea and Vomiting

Severe cases of heat exhaustion can cause the animal to experience bouts of diarrhea, vomiting, or both. Once the animal displays these symptoms, its body has likely been overheated for an extended time. Not only are diarrhea and vomiting dangerous, but they increase the dog's risk of also becoming severely dehydrated, which can introduce additional concerns. You need to speak with a medical professional promptly to determine how to address the matter. 

If you suspect your pet is suffering from heat exhaustion, it is always important to speak with a veterinarian to have the dog checked out. So, speak with someone as soon as possible. 
