Does your dog have liquid discharging from his or her eyes? Discharge is common among dogs. If the discharge is clear, there is probably no reason for concern. It may have been caused by something as simple as an eyelash coming loose or even the wind blowing a dust particle into your dog's eyes. The issue will likely pass just as it does for humans when our eyes water.
However, if the discharge is colored and the texture feels thicker or different from water, there could be an underlying health issue that should be addressed.
There are several conditions that dogs can experience no matter their health status, breed, and age. One of the most common is deafness. This is a condition that you might overlook or be difficult for you to notice if you have never experienced the situation before. Here are a few of the most frequently asked questions you might have about deafness in dogs.
What Are The Signs My Dog Is Deaf?
Domesticated rabbits make great pets for a variety of people. Rabbits differ from other common pets, such as cats or dogs, so it is important to know those differences and their specific needs. The following tips will help you take care of your bunny better.
Providing Nutrition
A well-balanced diet is what keeps a rabbit healthy. Hay is a large portion of that diet and should be on hand and accessible to them at all times.
Like humans, your dog and cat can suffer from bowel issues like constipation. Most of the time, the problem clears up on its own. Sometimes, making some lifestyle changes can help. However, a few pets can have a serious problem. Severe constipation could be an emergency and need an ER veterinarian's help. Here is more information about pet constipation and when it could be considered an emergency.
What Is Constipation in Pets?
Do you have a pet? If so, the day may come when you have to decide whether or not to get your pet euthanized. The decision for euthanization is generally left up to pet owners. However, individuals may receive recommendations from veterinarians when the professional believes it would be in the pet's better interest. Family and friends might also make encouraging recommendations if they suspect that a pet is showing signs of illness or distress.